Monday, June 18, 2007

Zeby nie bylo zadnych watpliwosci

Watpic to mozecie sobie ,ludkowie moi kochani,w istnienie Pana Boga.
Ale wara temu kto zwatpi w zydowska wersje historii.
To nie wazne ,ze ta wersja wali sie w proch wtedy gdy ktos zastosuje uznane prawa fizyki i chemii(boskie i ludzkie) po to aby ja potwierdzic.
Jesli te prawa nie potwierdzaja uznanej wersji-coz,prawa sa bledne i falszywe.
W podobnym duchu franuskie prawo wydalo swoje wlasne prawa:

"The French anti-revisionist law
by Jessie Aitken

The French anti-revisionist law dates from July 13, 1990. It is known by various names: “Gayssot law”, “Fabius-Gayssot law”, “Faurisson law”, “lex Faurissonia” or “article 24bis” (of the law of July 29, 1881 on press freedom). It provides for a prison sentence of up to a year as well as a maximum fine of €45,000 for anyone who publicly disputes the reality of one or more “crimes against humanity” as defined and ruled on, essentially, by the International Military Tribunal of Nuremberg in 1945-1946. In addition to the prison sentence and fine there can be an order to pay damages to Jewish or other associations as well as the heavy costs of having the decision published in the media: finally, the courts may order the confiscation of any work material, along with books and papers, seized by the police.

It is inaccurate to say that this law forbids the questioning of the entirety of the Nuremberg judgment for it forbids only the questioning of the judgment’s word on crimes supposedly committed against “humanity”, that is, first and foremost, against the Jews. However, the passages in the judgment dealing with that subject amount to but 2% of the said judgment as a whole. Thus one remains free, at least in principle, to dispute publicly the other 98%. Consequently, only the crimes alleged to have been committed, above all, against the Jews are decreed legally unquestionable. Let us salute here the granting of an astonishing privilege to the exclusive benefit of God’s “chosen people”.

It was the Jews of France who, in May 1986, were the first to call for the establishment of such a law. At the time the State of Israel was preparing to pass an anti-revisionist bill which was finally to be approved by the Knesset two months later, in July 1986. The promoter of the French anti-revisionist law was the country’s chief rabbi René-Samuel Sirat. It was under his guidance that in May 1986 some Jewish academics, like Pierre Vidal-Naquet, and some Jewish propagandists, like Serge Klarsfeld and Georges Wellers, called for a bill like the Israeli one (Bulletin de l’Agence télégraphique juive, June 2, 1986, p. 1 and 3)."
Koniec cytatu

Zgodnie z powyzszym,drogi Czytelniku,jesli przeczytasz w kanadyjskiej gazecie "Toronto Star" ,ze niajki Mosiek Gruszka albo Moshe Peer ,byl w komorze gazowej szesc (6 ) razy ..i zyje, skubaniec, to nie pytaj ;"Jak to mozliwe?"
Chyba ,ze chcesz wyladowac w kryminale za "propagowanie rasowej nienawisci "
Najlepiej jesli wlaczysz TelAviv-zje i nie bedziesz wysilal sie mysleniem.
Jak widac na zalaczonym obrazku-myslenie szkodzi.

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